Saturday, 18 June 2011

Mountain Unpleasant.


What's going on? Are agency people just completely stupid? Or is it just greed for the cheque coming in?

Along with those pop-up ads that are long proven to not work, are in their death throes - but are still around - the lady running Royal Mail needs a yellow card. (Soccer term for warning - one more mistake and you are off)

I shouldn't really single her out but hey. It simply serves to make my point. Royal Mail delivered 18 Million fewer letters since last year - due to e-mail – they say. (Doh!) But actually doesn't that sound like a small reduction in this day and age? I haven't sent more than a dozen letters in 10 years.

Anyway incoming mail is a totally different story and it astonishes me. The waste and stupidity of it.

Well I added up my letters having been out of the country for 2 weeks and there were 29 items. 6 were statements/bills, 8 were imploring me to sell my flat. The rest were direct mail shots from insurance companies and garden furniture manufacturers. In addition to what Royal Mail delivered there was also half a dozen dodgy ethnic style home delivery food things.

The CEO earns over £600,000 a year for running a business that delivers at least 80% rubbish through my door each week. The fact that the 80% goes directly into the trash without even being opened means that the value of the business is already way below anything sane.

So if it sank by 18 Million last year it should really be forced to sink 80% more. That should be quite some incentive for us to lobby for Direct Mail in envelopes and Robotic Call-Center sales calls to be illegal. I have disconnected my phone and thrown it into the trash too.

The same figures occur on-line with one big difference. My auto-junk filter sends them straight to the bin so I don't have to see them. No trees or precious fuel consumed, no climate impacts to speak of, no precious time wasted.

One other thought I had was to redirect all of this junk back to the folk that encourage all this. FAO The CEO. Royal Mail Group Ltd, 100 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0HQ. D'ya reckon?

--------------------------------Losing Battle?-----------------------------


• The Group made a £39 million (2009-10: £180 million) operating profit after modernisation costs. This was primarily due to a decline in revenues, offset by a reduction in operating costs.

• Total revenues declined to £9.2 billion mainly because of a 4% fall in core mail volumes, (2009-10: £9.3 billion). The profit margin, after modernisation costs, fell from 1.9% (2009-10) to 0.4%.

• The UK Letters & Parcels and International business lost £120 million in 2010-11, (2009-10: £20 million profit). Revenue decline was mainly driven by a fall in volumes. This is just over £2 million a week.

• Profits at the Post Office declined from £33 million to £21 million as a result of lower revenues from traditional business. The Post Office is embarking on a plan over the next four years based on the Government’s confirmed funding commitment of £1.34 billion.

Posted via email from Just Thinking!

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Fun & Work?


And another thing.

So my idea of fun is clearly different to most people's it would seem. For me? Personal time shared with like minded folk. Plenty of sharp - then sharper comments on 'anything'. Well thought and well constructed observations on 'everything' - especially what can be improved about our world. Done with a high degree of humor and not a little sense of irony - acceptable of course. Quality conversations and events causing real laughter and release/relief.

A warm and friendly atmosphere with all round creativity, stimulus and freedom to have one's own place and space. Great surroundings. Well met expectation and great outcomes. If possible outperforming your idea of how good it could possibly be in every sense. All of this involving travel, toys, downtime, uptime, action and great food and whatever else!

I do this.

Fun right?

Well no apparently. We can't have fun - we are at work. Well that's what I do at work. But I can't ever call it fun - no-one would value that. 

Shame really.


Posted via email from Just Thinking!