Living In A Colloquial World
Strategy is such a misunderstood term. I think that it needs to be taken down, told off, picked apart, redefined, polished nicely and relaunched. This is true with many terms we all fling about in business. Words like this have lost their meaning. They get abused, hijacked and used as sticking plasters, tokens and thus lose their value. We need a new lexicon, real definitions for what these things actually mean – back to a 'Plain English' approach. Something simple right?
Take the Large Hadron Collider for example.
The Strategy - Convince everyone that a dinky little Hadron Collider will solve all the riddles of the universe – right back to what happened immediately after the big bang.
The Tactics - Actually get the money to build the Large Hadron Collider.
The Capability/Function - Built in collaboration with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from over 100 countries, as well as hundreds of universities and laboratories. It is a tunnel 27 kilometres (17 mi) in circumference and in some places 175 metres (574 ft) beneath the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva Switzerland. Its synchrotron is designed to collide opposing particle beams of either protons at up to 7 teraelectronvolts (7 TeV or 1.12 microjoules per nucleon, or lead nuclei at an energy of 574 TeV (92.0 µJ) per nucleus (2.76 TeV per nucleon. Leadership Role - Ensure that popular opinion and investors see the value of this and in turn make science popular and understandable. To most people.
The Mission - Build the thing, find the Higgs Boson and until then make it the reason why anyone working there bothers getting up in the morning. Answer some worrisome things like - "How did our universe come to be the way it is?". "What kind of Universe do we live in?", "What happened in the Big Bang?", "Where is the antimatter?", "Why do particles have mass?" and "What is our Universe made of?" - you know, that sort of thing.The Vision – Know all there is to know about everything and make those crazy colliding hadrons mean something to the average dude. You know something far more resonant than an abstraction (best set of guesses) of what until now was an idealised past. Something that will inspire a more understandable future.
The Outcome - The World Wide Web. (Oh and the popularisation of Science, Image Search Technology, Detection Systems, Education, Health and Human Understanding.)
Big credit to Phil Dunsky for the amazing artwork ay the top and to the incredible WWW for wherever I found the one below.