Sunday 5 June 2011

Fun & Work?


And another thing.

So my idea of fun is clearly different to most people's it would seem. For me? Personal time shared with like minded folk. Plenty of sharp - then sharper comments on 'anything'. Well thought and well constructed observations on 'everything' - especially what can be improved about our world. Done with a high degree of humor and not a little sense of irony - acceptable of course. Quality conversations and events causing real laughter and release/relief.

A warm and friendly atmosphere with all round creativity, stimulus and freedom to have one's own place and space. Great surroundings. Well met expectation and great outcomes. If possible outperforming your idea of how good it could possibly be in every sense. All of this involving travel, toys, downtime, uptime, action and great food and whatever else!

I do this.

Fun right?

Well no apparently. We can't have fun - we are at work. Well that's what I do at work. But I can't ever call it fun - no-one would value that. 

Shame really.


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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