Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Shocking Reversals!

If you have not seen this video stop everything and concentrate on it for 1 minute and 44 seconds. 13 Million views and counting and I only wish I had written it. Much as I wish had written this manifesto below. Both pieces on Lost Generations. I like things that shock, suprise and make me think and these are two of the best of recent history. Hope you find them challenging and optimistic as I do.

Dear Old People Who Run The World.

  1. My generation would like to break up with you. Everyday, I see a widening gap in how you and we understand the world - and what we want from it. I think we have irreconcilable differences.
  2. You wanted big, fat, lazy “business.” We want small, responsive, micro-scale commerce. You turned politics into a dirty word. We want authentic, deep democracy - everywhere.
  3. You wanted financial fundamentalism. We want an economics that makes sense for people - not just banks. You wanted shareholder value - built by tough-guy CEOs. We want real value, built by people with character, dignity, and courage.
  4. You wanted an invisible hand - it became a digital hand. Today’s markets are those where the majority of trades are done literally robotically. We want a visible handshake: to trust and to be trusted.
  5. You wanted growth - faster. We want to slow down - so we can become better.
  6. You didn’t care which communities were capsized, or which lives were sunk. We want a rising tide that lifts all boats. You wanted to biggie size life: McMansions, Hummers, and McFood. We want to humanize life.
  7. You wanted more money, credit and leverage - to consume ravenously. We want to be great at doing stuff that matters.
  8. You sacrificed the meaningful for the material: you sold out the very things that made us great for trivial gewgaws, trinkets, and gadgets. We’re not for sale: we’re learning to once again do what is meaningful.

(Written in Harvard Business quite some time ago)  

Posted via web from Just Thinking!

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