The idea of being in an altered state is intriguing don’t you think? For me at least it’s become an increasingly attractive and relevant strategy. Adrift long enough to enable me to rethink the plainly toxic - stupid world we seem to have created for ourselves. Oh no I must have been through an airport again. Well yes but also been through the recent elections in Great Britain reminding how awful the experience of almost everything in our beautiful land has become. Delirium works for me
I’m completely out of it. My bearings are completely changed - beyond recognition - everything different. I don’t recognize a thing. How good is that? Inexplicable. Fantastic. Mischievous. Adorable. Sane. This is how it goes.
I’m probably staring a little too much and for too long at something. My mind, at least what’s left of it, toying crazilly with an idea. Neurons in my head and my body fizzing and crackling like a wasp in a blender. This feeling is like one you probably haven't had since you were a child. It's a kind of freedom you thought possible but you stood it down because the 'system' would frown. What worked in your head before (desperate to secure a clear choice and a safe direction of course) delirium set in now seems utterly ludicrous. You are laughing at how stupid the prior idea now seems. “The system wanted me to do what? How much? But I pay my taxes already! Another six forms? Are you messing with me? Ha, ha....” Your perspective on everything shot to pieces - your brain agrees to multiple ‘cahoots’ with a demon - it's done a whole new deal with it and yes you were looking. You can see it conspiring and you play along. Because it makes utter sense. You insist on odd reasoning about precise if wacky details like “I know - let’s do it once – I’m paying so shouldn’t they serve me? Does filling out this form eight times actually mean anything?” Hang on – the voices are suddenly making sense, that stone must be turned, that system IS ridiculous, that spreadsheet is beautiful. Well perhaps not quite THAT altered. I must be delirious. No I must! Imagine if we could reach that state at will and ask ourselves entirely different questions. Challenge the predictable and the not-working. Get out of our box long enough to challenge just how stupid, stuck and boring we've become as a race. Hmm, I love the smell of delirium in the morning...
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