Riddle me this Batman. Firstly Kelvin MacKenzie said this morning that "The Max Mosley ruling was excellent (especially all the noise around it)" because "It makes the media world go round and thank goodness for that!"
As if to put the other side of the case someone, whose name was lost to me - then argued violently (in response) that "Our British morality has changed?" - and - "All the gossip we spread about others moralities is just what the British Public like to do."
Are we really OK with this? Why don't we care more about this?
At that moment I reminded myself of Brian Wilson's immortal lyrics that I really wasn't born for these times. I asked myself - do we actually want this media world to go round? Oh and what causes this culture of petty gossip – and who is surprised that we are therefore in this ridiculous spiral of mediocrity in the first place? This 'culture' is the outcome we can expect if we allow everyone to be comfortable with these standards. The very thing that the media promotes is based on dual standards and we are supposed to accept that just so long as it makes the media world go around.
Are we really this bloody stupid?
This all came at the same time as the super injunction/Twitter story. Whilst I don't agree with spreading untruths or salacious gossip (under any circumstances) this had better not be the thin end of a worrying wedge. Any restriction to free speech has to be resisted!
Is it any wonder that people feel it necessary to speak out? Intelligent people are sick of double standards that's what's at issue here. Whether what he says is true or not and whether we like it or not - the guy got 50,000 followers in a split second and this became news and the Government is spooked.
The sinister thing (and maybe I am alone in thinking this) is that the UK Government/Media (Command & Control System) seems shaken enough to tackle free speech on Twitter. There are now mutterings over the threat from Twitter and the Super Injunctions - and OUR ability to say what we want. How many standards is this? Way more than double right?
I sense our out of touch and institutionally cracked system is feeling threatened by the reality of society and the human state that it has encouraged. A 'society' - now deeply conditioned by a cult of celebrity and the dual/triple standards of our politicians and media - atop an education situation that's allowed to decay - increasing yet more generational issues. Our only hope being generations coming through so dismayed by such stench – hopefully about to kick some disgraceful butt!
Anyway ending on a more optimistic note. Imagine if WE could turn these insights into something really valuable and actually deal with the causes of this within our failing society.
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