Monday, 4 July 2011

I've got myself into a real Metz!


A good friend gave me an idea. Well it's her idea but I really want to steal it. I am stealing it! - 'Flash Mobs for learning.' Thanks Betty!

OK so I need a Flash Mob!

Learning is the operative word. It's an idea in its own right. We hear a lot about our individual learning styles and of course that's a big factor. We can only really ever speak personally - and for me I've never - ever considered what my learning style is. So I tried to figure it out.

Firstly I realised that I learn by trial and error, mostly error, but it's certain that unless I put my hands, eyes and attention onto the real thing, I find I haven't really learned it. I may have read the guidebook or seen the video but until I do the 'thing' - I don't think I ever really learn the thing.

So then I moved my thinking onto the difference between explicit and tacit knowledge.

Learning explicit knowledge (E.G: Reading text and diagrams in a book on how to tie your shoelaces.) is different to tacit knowledge (Actually knowing how to tie your shoelaces). The 'tool' of knowing how to tie my shoes has stood me in great stead. Now I know sheep shanks, bow-ties, windsor knots, reef knots, slip knots and nooses. Especially nooses!


Apply that idea of learning to how to use a fairly sophisticated flashgun!

A 150 page guide of explicit knowledge in 6 languages about a vast array of modes and settings, instruction and definition - not one element of which 'teaches' me what I want to know. Like really know. You know, like the key idea of how to balance the amount of light the gun produces with the available light in the room!

Learning for me is NOT to be done 'In Camera'!

Learning (for me) is the deep and meaningful application of what it is I can get to know - but in an applied and richly understood way. Practical, hands on and with someone who has been there before. Eyes and ears open. Able to interact freely with someone who doesn’t patronise me. In public if necessary.

So then I realised that I don't want a guidebook I want a coach/mentor or personal expert who can show me how it works but who I trust and probably respect too. That way I would learn. That's my learning style.

So how do we get to that level of support, teaching and learning so that I understand my new flashgun!!! 

Flashmob! Now for chrissakes!!!


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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