Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Premature Projection - The 21st Century Plague That Kills.


I'm going to fall. Run!

Vertigo is one of the most powerful projections of the mind. Well it bloody well works. I am so bad that I get vertigo just by spelling the word – especially if the font is large. Projection can mean serious failure – vertigo proves it, but from great heights. 

Unfortunately there are far worse projections of the mind than vertigo. 

The world is dying because of it. Everywhere I go, every issue I hear on the news, I feel plagued by seemingly bright people suffering from premature projection. So embedded in their judgement, their inbuilt prejudice – they are incapable of actually listening. Projection has become so powerful that it has rendered its victim incapable of reason. 

Global wars and disasters involving us all. Immense wastelands of energy, time, resource and space – all brought about through incalculable stupidity borne out of unhelpful projection of their perspective onto everything they survey. These walking sick are lurking everywhere, just waiting for a moment to argue on behalf of their bloody projection - their corner until death. 


In my small corner of the world I try and avoid it because it is the kiss of death for creativity. I fail (all too often) to free myself completely from its grip but it has spread like the red weed in the War Of The Worlds. Creativity requires unconstrained freedom of thought. A place without fixed intention and demanding unconscious luck. I set out to deal with bastard child of creativity every day. I find myself flailing under the weight of concrete projections falling from great heights. 

It is a mischievous thing projection. You can't stop it. It messes with the head all dressed up as an alien transvestite from another galaxy (c'mon you know what that looks like) and calls itself 'informed opinion'. 

Premature Projection (PP) is officially an illness – ill formed, ill informed and ill judged – oh and it makes me ill. 

It jumps around in front of the mind's eye to avoid detection – the infected will defend their projection until put to the sword. Any attack on PP whistles past it – it is ungraspable and therefore incurable because the mind inflicted with it doesn't realise it is infected. It spreads into all the cells and rattles around inside the body - you can smell it on the diseased skin. 

It is always waiting to jump to new flesh. Thankfully you can avoid it if you can spot the symptoms. This is because you can see projection written in peoples faces – there's the tell-tale signs. A look of sprung steel  - of indignant self–righteous judgement set deep into the eyes. Once alarmed into action the mouth and lips form into a translucent ghastly trap door already half closed to opportunity - set to strike before the free thought or fresh idea is out of your mouth.  

Take a fucking day off!

I know it well because like vertigo I suffer from it myself. And like vertigo I don't know how to cure it. As with projection your idiot brain is convinced that something is certain (and most likely wrong) and you also know (from experiences - time after time) that it is likely to be busted by facts.

C'mon bacteria, get stuck into this one!!! Save us all from ourselves!


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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