Monday, 5 April 2010

On being wired...or tired?

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I like people who are connected.
To me they are prepared to roll with life.

They know what’s going on - are more interesting - they seem sharper to me.  They sparkle, they have their fingers on countless pulses. We know we can't stop the inevitable weight of human endeavor so we have to turn it to our own advantage. What comes with all this is the fire-hose of being connected. Relentless though it is. Invasive as it is. We have to learn to deal with it. Handle it. People may think this is anti-social, anti-human. It’s the opposite.

It's all very time consuming isn't it? Well no!

I find that I have been able to make it a part of what I do anyway. I don’t spend a lot of time on it. I graze, I skim, I skate across what I want and when something attracts my eye then I get stuck in. It is about my own passions at that time. It’s replaced things that I used to do that were a waste of time and inefficient. I choose to link to whoever I want. I get to turn them off again if they bore me. I can ignore them or hit delete. But for every one that’s tired and bores me there are countless that teach me something and adds to my experience and learning.

We need to remember that each of us are individual. We work in different modes, we have different moods. We demand flexibility. Our tactics in the digital realm require similar ideas. It’s these ideas that we need to keep up with. Today’s web space is a web of things, spaces, moods, modes and tools to tackle each one in a different way. So let’s get on with it!

It drives a lot of people people crazy.

Not me. Fact is for me it’s the other way around. People choose to use the platform that suits what they do. Nobody to my knowledge religiously signs up to all of this stuff.  And anyway it's all a stepping stone to something else - the personal portal or something like that. Something that gets all of this stuff into a rational single space. Nope.

Why would that work? That's just a website. The world has moved on.


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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