Sunday, 19 September 2010

Armies of One - Crusading for Common Sense.

I'm pretty angry.

Unlike our alien, unnatural systems of society - it's impossible not to admire natures grace and intensity. It matters. It makes sense. It' a true living system. Yet it's the grace, nature and intensity of human thinking and concerted action that truly matters if we* are to avoid our inevitable decline.

I'm even boring myself writing on this topic again and ranting at people - anyone in authority.

I’m fed up railing on about the stench of experiencing ‘life’ in any western town, stinking cinema, diabolical transport system or ridiculous ‘Mall’ experience. Unless I am completely in control of the experience then I'm prone to opt out of it. You can keep it. Shove it. If I can't shop on-line, I will likely go without. If I have to travel then I will be insufferable. Astonishingly brutish unthinking going on all around me.  

I'm optimistic about our ability to think, but I don't see much of it around me. I remain confident yet I'm deeply impatient to connect all the ‘Armies of One’ up. That would be all of us – right? This would all add up then. We would become the required momentum of better thinking. To cause the revolution. Spare us from the insanity we live in.

I'm worried though as I'm starting to sense fatigue. The tide may be weakening and the narrative becoming repetitive. Is the establishment finally breaking us down?

What's freaking me is that I see complete sense written in countless blogs, books and articles about what is messed up. But we remain messed up. I see the articles and hear the rhetoric about change but very little actual change. I fear that the systems - levers of radical change - will not be allowed to exist to channel the energy to make the difference. In fact we are now so layered, trapped within our own stupidity, that it will take colossal unpicking for any good idea or improvement to make it. The soil is now seemingly dead.

*There is no we.

Hold on! Whoa!

Sorry, I've now left the airport!

Innovation is bursting through everywhere! It’s a new spring. There is definitely a wind of change and every day we inch closer to an acceptable anarchy. Bring it on.

Say no to systemic stupidity.

Vote by opting out of mediocrity. Say yes to the new generations – those more youthful who are by-passing/not listening to these systems. Give the finger to the traditional thinking, the myopic idiots that have ruined every town centre. Say fuck off to those who do nothing and have blighted your public service. Say no to those who have run off with all your money - many times. Spray graffiti. Make your feelings known!

An acceptable anarchy means reversing the systemic stupidity. Stupidity that seeks to undermine the common sense of freedom and quality of life. Systemic stupidity is now so endemic that it requires us to weave fresh forces with immense grace, nature and intensity. To really grab and apply the clues that lay all around us we need a miracle.

It is here though and we* are it.

The new platform is us, connected, vital, thinking, communicating - sharing our intent into a movement so that the people in power** cannot ignore our voices. Voting with our feet and our wallets demonstrating our distaste for boring bland service, automaton attitudes, needless bureaucracy.

Perhaps not fast enough in the macro societal sense - but I can see common sense starting to shoot back through.  Armies of One, every blogger, every thoughtful human with an idea, energy and passion for change can get his voice heard and if he has a big enough idea and an eye for the new connectivity then we have real hope!   

I’ve stopped now.  

*There is no we just yet.
**Politics, Media, Business.

Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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