Sunday, 15 August 2010

Surfing An Apocalypse 3 - Diving Into Creativity

Is the world ready for real creativity?

Sadly a misunderstood and very overused term - one that evokes a war of words waged by the winged devils of definition. But remember I don’t actually care what people think. To me – what I mean by creativity has become the critical tool for the 21st Century. The opposite of creativity is atrophy.

Without the human spark of a simply crazy idea, that incredible burst of energy that we get from the new and the challenging - we die.  Without creativity there is no challenge to the current order of anything. Creativity is challenge. It says fuck you. It says try this. It makes you think. It creates a new path. Creativity is a rebellion. It is difference making.

Without creativity and challenge we become dull. Without knowing why we get to feel useless, then depressed – always under performing, blandness abounds, the ordinary becomes acceptable. From a societal point of view it’s ground us all down, the sameness and lack of vitality drives many to distraction - eventually crawling back under a rock. Humanity regressed.

What’s up with that?

War and poverty aren't caused by creativity they are borne out of the lack of it. Poor education, bad health and social inequity aren't brought about by creativity - these things are enabled by the absence of it.  Revolutions in technology, business and social change are caused by innovation, by the crusades of a very few. The audacious, the courageous, the stubborn, the discerning.  That's where the power of idea gets born and our futures secured.

Imagine if we could all get together behind a single cry for the creative change to the systems that cause us to be like this in the first place. The fact is that these systems don’t want us all to join forces for a challenge to their strongholds. As I have written before - currently there is no WE.

Applying creativity to cause change. Change the system! Will we allow it?

The kind of ideas I'm speaking about are always around us. They are not new.

Unfortunately our system of stupidity has become resilient to intelligence and creativity.  The power of community to make change is not new either but now more than ever possible if only we apply creativity and determination to it.

We are increasingly enabled to make change through technology. New transports for ideas are now available. Look at the difference caused and enabled by the Internet. Allowing communication and the education of peoples all over the world in ways we never could even 5 years ago.

Innovation in biology and science are causing the rise of robots/nano-bots to be grown with the intelligence to reverse cancers in the body - eventually to re-grow limbs. If we let it.  Access to better decision making based can transform the way we think about the bigger issues of the planet. If we let it. We can utilize this better information ensuring we create even better outcomes for everyone – that’s everyone. If we let it. We will be at liberty to secure yet more efficiencies, saving precious raw materials and removing the reliance on commodities that countries go to war for. If we let it.

Real creativity needs to be applied to letting these ideas pierce and alter forever the fabric of our systemic stupidity. Change our minds or die. That is the kind of creativity we now need. Will we let ourselves?

Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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