- Total respect and lifetime support for people who return that respect – there's no other transaction involved.
- Demand distance. I give everyone theirs - just don't ever ask me stuff that suggests you don’t get that.
An occasional series of slants at the Wonderful World of Business - in visual form.
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Observing Or Participating?
Leaving the hat at the rock...
- Get some sense of space back inside your head to even allow yourself to look, let alone think.
- Walk around and take those other perspectives much more seriously. Things can begin to look a whole lot closer and further and different. And as a result they will definitely tell you things you never knew.
- Always have a good quality tyre guage handy. Even when drinking coffee.
- Just because you are part of a system, and may even have voted for it, don't feel you can't kick up a good storm.
- Remember that even in surprising places something vibrant and long lasting can grow up and survive. Don't begrudge the occasional Pygmy Falcon.
- Listen to the energy that is all around you. If you hear nothing then you are either dead or you need a hearing aid.
- Leave the hat at the shack by the rock. You will look utterly ridiculous at the airport with 400 others.
The Journey Not The Destination
Zebra's Crossing
Sunday, 26 December 2010
The Winds Of The Khomas
Road Kill
Choice or Random Act?
There is no switch
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Revealing Inspiration
I haven't reached the desert yet.
Living Systems & The Curious Case Of The Sociable Weavers
Thursday, 9 December 2010
Life On the Road
Free To Think
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Roll over Pareto. 80:20 Vision
Loving Travel Again! (Well the comedy of it)
Monday, 11 October 2010
Flying Thoughts
Well most smart things. For me it's depressingly easy to identify cases of the wrong problem having been solved really well. So well in fact that the effects caused by the first wrong thing being solved have now been solved too - by layers of additionally annoying 'sticking plasters' - solutions to the initial incorrect diagnosis. The result is a stuck, layered, systemic mess of stinking proportions - held in place by armies of folk defending it all. That’s because they either were or weren't responsible for the creation of this hairball in the first place. Systemic Stupidity as I call it.
I'm talking about every level of business and western society when I describe this phenomena. Elinor Ostrom a professor at Indiana University and Nobel Laureate describes the systems we see and often suffer from as ‘polycentric’. This is an important concept to understand.
Fundamentally she means that in an ideal state - multiple public and private organisations at multiple scales jointly affecting collective benefits and costs. A system where many elements are capable of making multiple adjustments for ordering their relationship with one another within a general system of rules where each element acts with independence of other elements. That makes sense. The key word/idea here is 'capable'.
This capability or lack of is completely at the heart. To me for capability read thinking. Joined up and collective thinking that can avoid this rubbish and cause the kind of transformation business and society is crying out for. There are lots of eager folk describing the state of play when it comes to the need for better 'thinking' these days. Illustrating a gymnastic need for leaders to hold multiple paradoxes in their heads - complex data and seemingly impossible conundrums. Complex systems are a fact of life and to add further complexity within all these systems of things Elinor describes 'nested attributes' - critical pools of activity within the system itself. Meaning that there can be very significant sub-systems happily operating with little connection to the whole system for most of the time. But very very important that it exists in the grand scheme of things. Imagine when sweeping national dictates come along and ignore this happy little community doing it’s thing for all the right reasons. Insanity. What to do?
Reading, as I do often, what the great minds say about all manner of things. It's increasingly obvious that there is energy around the case for dismantling best practices, challenging traditions and developing a new language for us to turn this tanker. Get at the root causes of systemic stupidity. A note of caution - let not what emerges, new tools, techniques - this new language be a fig leaf for the old thinking carrying on under new management. New language has a habit of being slammed as ‘speak’. Challenge the following trendy but true - for example. Just a few simple changes - a new approach to thinking. How brave is your firm? Develop scenarios - the likely, the possible - the worst case. Have quality conversations - forcing questions – they are vital tools if your teams are going to stay afloat in these times.
Simples. All important if we are to avoid systemic stupidity but will we? Will anyone?
Saturday, 9 October 2010
The idea of being in an altered state is intriguing don’t you think? For me at least it’s become an increasingly attractive and relevant strategy. Adrift long enough to enable me to rethink the plainly toxic - stupid world we seem to have created for ourselves. Oh no I must have been through an airport again. Well yes but also been through the recent elections in Great Britain reminding how awful the experience of almost everything in our beautiful land has become. Delirium works for me
I’m completely out of it. My bearings are completely changed - beyond recognition - everything different. I don’t recognize a thing. How good is that? Inexplicable. Fantastic. Mischievous. Adorable. Sane. This is how it goes.
I’m probably staring a little too much and for too long at something. My mind, at least what’s left of it, toying crazilly with an idea. Neurons in my head and my body fizzing and crackling like a wasp in a blender. This feeling is like one you probably haven't had since you were a child. It's a kind of freedom you thought possible but you stood it down because the 'system' would frown. What worked in your head before (desperate to secure a clear choice and a safe direction of course) delirium set in now seems utterly ludicrous. You are laughing at how stupid the prior idea now seems. “The system wanted me to do what? How much? But I pay my taxes already! Another six forms? Are you messing with me? Ha, ha....” Your perspective on everything shot to pieces - your brain agrees to multiple ‘cahoots’ with a demon - it's done a whole new deal with it and yes you were looking. You can see it conspiring and you play along. Because it makes utter sense. You insist on odd reasoning about precise if wacky details like “I know - let’s do it once – I’m paying so shouldn’t they serve me? Does filling out this form eight times actually mean anything?” Hang on – the voices are suddenly making sense, that stone must be turned, that system IS ridiculous, that spreadsheet is beautiful. Well perhaps not quite THAT altered. I must be delirious. No I must! Imagine if we could reach that state at will and ask ourselves entirely different questions. Challenge the predictable and the not-working. Get out of our box long enough to challenge just how stupid, stuck and boring we've become as a race. Hmm, I love the smell of delirium in the morning...
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Inside My Mind - The Fools Cap
This rather sinister image below is one of the biggest mysteries in the history of western cartography. Most often referred to simply as the Fool’s Cap Map of the World, it is unknown why, when, where or by whom it was made. The only thing that can be said about it with some certainty is that it dates from ca. 1580-1590. But sources even differ as to the type of projection used, some referring to it as ptolemaic (i.e. equidistant conic), others claiming it owes more to the techniques of Mercator and/or Ortelius (and being an enthusiast rather than a specialist, I’m not one to call this). The map shows the world ‘dressed up’ in the traditional garb of a court jester: the double-peaked, bell-tipped cap (1) and the jester’s staff (2). The face is hidden (or replaced) by the map, giving the whole image an ominous, threatening quality that feels anachronistically modern. This is underlined by the mottoes of biblical and classical origin, dotted across the map. The legend in the left panel reads: “Democritus of Abdera laughed at [the world], Heraclitus of Ephesus wept over it, Epichtonius Cosmopolites portrayed it” (3). Over the cap is the Latin version of the Greek dictum, “Know thyself" (4). Across the cap’s brow, the inscription translates as “O head, worthy of a dose of hellebore” (5). The Latin quote just above the map is from Pliny the Elder (6): “For in the whole universe the earth is nothing else and this is the substance of our glory, this is its habitation, here it is that we fill positions of power and covet wealth, and throw mankind into an uproar, and launch wars, even civil ones.” The reason for so much trouble and strife is explained in the quote below the map, from Ecclesiastes: “The number of fools is infinite” (7). Another quote from that most depressing of Bible books, on the jester’s staff to the right, intones: “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity” (8). Inscribed on the badges adorning the shoulder belt are a few sayings in line with this cheerful message: “Oh, the worries of the world; oh, how much triviality is there in the world” (9), “Everyone is without sense” (10), and “All things are vanity: every man living” (11). For some researchers, the sum of these messages, as well as their presentation in a cartographic setting, point to a little-known Christian sect called the Family of Love. This clandestine group is said to have numbered the Flemish cartographer Ortelius in its ranks. If this map is anything to go by, the Family of Love must have espoused a rather harsh and pessimistic view of the world, and of humanity’s place in it. But much remains conjecture, as indicated also by the last piece of this cartographic puzzle - the name written in its top left corner: Orontius Fineus. This name (the Latinised version of the French name Oronce Finé) is associated with a map dated 1531, purportedly showing an ice-free, river-rich Antarctica. Why would the name of this cartographer crop up on a map made decades later? Could he have been the mapmaker (12)? Or is he the one being made fun of?
Armies of One - Crusading for Common Sense.
Unlike our alien, unnatural systems of society - it's impossible not to admire natures grace and intensity. It matters. It makes sense. It' a true living system. Yet it's the grace, nature and intensity of human thinking and concerted action that truly matters if we* are to avoid our inevitable decline. I'm even boring myself writing on this topic again and ranting at people - anyone in authority.
I’m fed up railing on about the stench of experiencing ‘life’ in any western town, stinking cinema, diabolical transport system or ridiculous ‘Mall’ experience. Unless I am completely in control of the experience then I'm prone to opt out of it. You can keep it. Shove it. If I can't shop on-line, I will likely go without. If I have to travel then I will be insufferable. Astonishingly brutish unthinking going on all around me. I'm optimistic about our ability to think, but I don't see much of it around me. I remain confident yet I'm deeply impatient to connect all the ‘Armies of One’ up. That would be all of us – right? This would all add up then. We would become the required momentum of better thinking. To cause the revolution. Spare us from the insanity we live in. I'm worried though as I'm starting to sense fatigue. The tide may be weakening and the narrative becoming repetitive. Is the establishment finally breaking us down? What's freaking me is that I see complete sense written in countless blogs, books and articles about what is messed up. But we remain messed up. I see the articles and hear the rhetoric about change but very little actual change. I fear that the systems - levers of radical change - will not be allowed to exist to channel the energy to make the difference. In fact we are now so layered, trapped within our own stupidity, that it will take colossal unpicking for any good idea or improvement to make it. The soil is now seemingly dead. *There is no we. Hold on! Whoa!
Sorry, I've now left the airport! Innovation is bursting through everywhere! It’s a new spring. There is definitely a wind of change and every day we inch closer to an acceptable anarchy. Bring it on. Say no to systemic stupidity. Vote by opting out of mediocrity. Say yes to the new generations – those more youthful who are by-passing/not listening to these systems. Give the finger to the traditional thinking, the myopic idiots that have ruined every town centre. Say fuck off to those who do nothing and have blighted your public service. Say no to those who have run off with all your money - many times. Spray graffiti. Make your feelings known! An acceptable anarchy means reversing the systemic stupidity. Stupidity that seeks to undermine the common sense of freedom and quality of life. Systemic stupidity is now so endemic that it requires us to weave fresh forces with immense grace, nature and intensity. To really grab and apply the clues that lay all around us we need a miracle. It is here though and we* are it.
The new platform is us, connected, vital, thinking, communicating - sharing our intent into a movement so that the people in power** cannot ignore our voices. Voting with our feet and our wallets demonstrating our distaste for boring bland service, automaton attitudes, needless bureaucracy. Perhaps not fast enough in the macro societal sense - but I can see common sense starting to shoot back through. Armies of One, every blogger, every thoughtful human with an idea, energy and passion for change can get his voice heard and if he has a big enough idea and an eye for the new connectivity then we have real hope! I’ve stopped now. *There is no we just yet.
**Politics, Media, Business.
Monday, 30 August 2010
The Wall 2
Think of them as massive statements – billboards for quality expression. The unity of mankind could use the wall to turn back its mistakes. Walls could become a symbol of hope in the midst of turmoil, standing firm against the swirling elements. A manifesto of optimism, telling the story of change for the future. The proud balustrades of a new pioneering peoples against the inequities of our past. The structure of change and creativity. The reflection of all thought. The mechanism for capture and synthesis that enables scale, context and perspective. If you've ever seen a Son Et Lumiere in France (This one was at Le Mans) you will understand. You will get what I am saying about scale, storytelling and the power of the array on the walls. At 50 -100 feet the impact is uplifting. Looking at the sheer magnitude of the whole thing is breathtaking for humans. This says to us that we should change scale more often and see what we can see in a bigger context. A feast for more of our senses - at more meaningful size and juxtaposition. Technology will soon enable whole walls, vast spaces to be covered in High Definition display. The Advertising world has long used these tricks to amaze and capture attention and imagination. Soon all of us will have the power to command attention. What would we say?
The Wall
They are alive and all around us. They are outside and inside.
They form the inside - they define the outside.
They can be at once forbidding and tantalising. They hold secrets.
They invite and engage enemies and allies alike.
They defend - they beckon.
They are my canvas. Walls are athletes. They are agile and dynamic. We often don't think about them like that because we don't often think about them like that.
Performing vital tasks - buildings to live and work in - demarcating land.
Secure and partitioned spaces. A major part of our lives. We make them. They're a lot more present than we may think. They exist in software, technology, engineering and every known physics and science.
In biology they are capiliaries - the ducts that enable life itself.
They point out the foundations of every structure known to man.
They are the canvas of our human endeavour. They represent the assets of establishment and success. They are our castles.
The laminin to all our efforts. They defines the shapes and sizes of our imaginations.
The wall has exceptional characteristics. It's written and crafted on. It is canvas for unlimited creativity. A wall is never a barrier but always a summons to creativity.
Sunday, 29 August 2010
John Caswell. The Movie
<div>More visualization
I'm always upgrading my Bio. I was prompted to do this again and so here is the latest re-write of history. I hope you find it interesting and of course slightly challenging. I'm always rewriting it to try to make it hang together better but hey if you have any suggestions let me know.
Group Partners - The Movie
<div><div style="width:420px;text-align:left;">Open publication - Free publishing - More strategy</div></div>
A rapid run through what we do at Group Partners. There is a companion one about what i actually do and that will appear above this one. I've chosen the stories I always tell and often get asked to explain. As always these are things that just keep us fresh while telling the story.
Compulsory Viewing for the 21st Century!
Charles Leadbetter has done it again in my opinion and I cannot imagine anyone having any truck with the sentiments expressed in this short animation.
Beautifully crafted and articulated. The thesis here is one we practice fully so no surprise to regular readers to this blog. Some neatly phrased bits though and I will blog on the book when I get a minute. Go Charles!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
This Changes Everything. Good!
The 21st Century is driving a truck through every business plan and every government policy. There’s a tidal wave of change drowning the traditional business and operating models - that’s true of every category and each sector. While change has always been with us, the exponential rate at which it is now gathering pace is having increasingly massive impact. The killer questions of How? Where? and What? can we do about it are preoccupying senior leaders and their executives like never before. Can you feel the urgency? No?
I can’t think of a single recent case where the unknown’s of developing a strategy have not far exceeded the known's. There is no certainty in all this. The terrain is far more treacherous - more fatal to the unwary than ever before. The fascinating bit of all this is that there has never been more opportunity either.
Think about it. As any market reaches maturity and fashion becomes tired and ordinary the new and the extraordinary is in immediate demand. The innovators can win, the entrepreneurs can sense the moment, the dreamers can achieve their dreams. In the blink of an eye a new product or service can catch fire. Sparked by the death of an old solution the new one is immediately king of the hill. Time is compressed, distribution is almost a given – it’s a commodity – if its good it’s out there. The world is available to the brightest of ideas and the only game in town is capability and imagination. Creativity. So how much of this do we not get? None right? So how much of this do we see people thinking differently about? Not many right? The Killer Questions
To survive, Businesses and Governments do not need more of the same thinking about change, strategy or transformation. They do not want or have time for yet another boring consultant with this or that methodology. It just won’t work. It ain’t gonna cut it. They need different thinking. That seems so obvious a statement and yet we witness every day how stuck or caught in the headlamps of the truck they are. New ways of tackling this tornado, this tsunami and this careering inevitability are required. How can we act differently? So what must we do differently? Now what will be different? Why is this the right kind of difference? Then they are on into When? Where? Who? Business wants to have answers to these big questions. The right answers if at all possible. Providing the right answers though is now as much an art as it is a science. It's subtle and therefore deceptively simple. Why are these questions so hard for so many to get their heads around? The Killer Application
Well we could be a lot better at doing the basics. We have found that the simple ways to solve complex issues can appear very hard to grasp and actually not that simple. This is a paradox around which we have to get to survive the 21st Century. Try these - Dialog amongst teams, visualization and telling an actual story that interests people. Make reasoned arguments and share meaning within a logical framework that everyone can see and engage in. This involves talking, listening, being creative and actually putting the outcomes into practice. Doesn’t this sound like common sense? It is. Where did it go?
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Surfing An Apocalypse 3 - Diving Into Creativity
Sadly a misunderstood and very overused term - one that evokes a war of words waged by the winged devils of definition. But remember I don’t actually care what people think. To me – what I mean by creativity has become the critical tool for the 21st Century. The opposite of creativity is atrophy.
Without the human spark of a simply crazy idea, that incredible burst of energy that we get from the new and the challenging - we die. Without creativity there is no challenge to the current order of anything. Creativity is challenge. It says fuck you. It says try this. It makes you think. It creates a new path. Creativity is a rebellion. It is difference making. Without creativity and challenge we become dull. Without knowing why we get to feel useless, then depressed – always under performing, blandness abounds, the ordinary becomes acceptable. From a societal point of view it’s ground us all down, the sameness and lack of vitality drives many to distraction - eventually crawling back under a rock. Humanity regressed. What’s up with that?
War and poverty aren't caused by creativity they are borne out of the lack of it. Poor education, bad health and social inequity aren't brought about by creativity - these things are enabled by the absence of it. Revolutions in technology, business and social change are caused by innovation, by the crusades of a very few. The audacious, the courageous, the stubborn, the discerning. That's where the power of idea gets born and our futures secured. Imagine if we could all get together behind a single cry for the creative change to the systems that cause us to be like this in the first place. The fact is that these systems don’t want us all to join forces for a challenge to their strongholds. As I have written before - currently there is no WE. Applying creativity to cause change. Change the system! Will we allow it?
The kind of ideas I'm speaking about are always around us. They are not new. Unfortunately our system of stupidity has become resilient to intelligence and creativity. The power of community to make change is not new either but now more than ever possible if only we apply creativity and determination to it. We are increasingly enabled to make change through technology. New transports for ideas are now available. Look at the difference caused and enabled by the Internet. Allowing communication and the education of peoples all over the world in ways we never could even 5 years ago. Innovation in biology and science are causing the rise of robots/nano-bots to be grown with the intelligence to reverse cancers in the body - eventually to re-grow limbs. If we let it. Access to better decision making based can transform the way we think about the bigger issues of the planet. If we let it. We can utilize this better information ensuring we create even better outcomes for everyone – that’s everyone. If we let it. We will be at liberty to secure yet more efficiencies, saving precious raw materials and removing the reliance on commodities that countries go to war for. If we let it. Real creativity needs to be applied to letting these ideas pierce and alter forever the fabric of our systemic stupidity. Change our minds or die. That is the kind of creativity we now need. Will we let ourselves?