Sunday, 20 March 2011

A Drive-By in Downtown Dystopia!


Forever the optimist – but just checking in.

Are we already living in that futuristic society we've apparently been clamouring for? 

By some definition if you look around you could argue that we've already degraded into the required repressive and controlled state. A dystopia - a negative utopia characterized by an authoritarian form of government. Dystopias are said to feature different kinds of repressive social control systems, a lack or total absence of individual freedoms and expressions and constant states of warfare or violence. 

Dystopias also explore the concept of humans abusing technology and how humans individually and collectively cope with technology that has evolved too quickly. A dystopian society is also often characterized by widespread poverty and brutal political controls such as a large military-like police. Hmm.

I'm encouraged though by the fact that my increasing number of younger friends are just as fucked off with the systems as I am - and prepared to do something about it. The big question is what, with what tools and where do we stick them?

"Men are even more susceptible to suggestion than horses, and each period is dominated by a mood, with the result that most men fail to see the tyrant who rules over them." - Albert Einstein

Looking around at the political, media and (certain) business systems that are in cahoots to keep us servile, I would suggest the following pillars of old society and systems that ensure our soporific dystopian state

The pillars of 'old enterprise' inertia.
  1. A cornucopia of myopia and dystopia - our world seems represented by individual 'stuckness' and small thinking. Not smart – just dumb. We experience it all around and held in place by those who defend outdated tradition. Little evidence of dynamic thinking - cognition – patchy reasoning, little reflective analysing
  2. In the shadow of tyrannical pyramids – the vast majority of humans still live and work in the age of the creativity sapping 'Org Chart' – beset with hierarchies of command & control cultures; seeding frustration, demoralization, low output, corruption, fear, uncertainty and doubt.
  3. Gorillas In The Midst – 800 lbs of systemic permafrost - we seem happy to live with the official 'systems' unwritten code that we all know is ‘there’ and that we cannot do anything about it. Do not speak. Do not speak.
  4. Bedevilled by 'experts' - hiding behind standards and so called 'best practices'. Outdated doctrine built on dubious data that was designed for another era. Dressed as an expert gets you past the scanners and ensures that we solve the wrong problems really well. Self-serving bollocks.
  5. Hoovering With Idea Vacuums - No intuition please we don't get paid for that. Thus no spark, not even ignition – little inspiration, creativity or energy for change.
  6. Leadership? What leadership? - breeding apathy, amnesia & anaesthesia – what 'burning platform' - I'm alright jack! People in positions of power, unproven, unqualified and with little humility, charm, grace or credibility to secure any follower ship.
  7. Lies, Statistics and Damn Lies and Statistics – oh and software – making the data prove what you want it to prove – making it so layered that everyone gives up - or put language around it to confuse the crap out of everyone who dare get close to witness it's lack of integrity. The trail goes cold. So does our breath. 

Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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