Saturday, 19 March 2011

Truth Serums!


Ripped skin and broken noses. Tortured by convenient memory.

As we humans talk to each other it's fascinating to notice how little real agreement exists.

Yes there is much nodding and smiling. And just a little later people will remark about how good this or that conversation was. Then the various parties will go to war over the suddenly glaring differences they have. Hand to hand combat. Differences they had in these earlier conversations (but hadn't realised) now cause severe pain and mortal blows.

I know this because when I take a pen and draw these group conversations on the wall I 'bust' open the hidden definitions and semantics. Naked - the fact is written for everyone to see and remark. No hiding place. I could write it badly - but I try not to. But I draw a picture as well, a manifestation of the 'idea' of the conversation to prove its legitimacy. The picture has a real magic in it. It's not the art it's the idea.

The combination of a sincere phrase and a well chosen symbol or representation has the effect of a truth serum, lie detector and judge and jury all in one.

Drawing Distinctions - for the avoidance of doubt!


Grasping Imagination and agreement through visualisation of the truth!


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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