Sunday, 20 March 2011

Is it me, or what?


Without question we humans are the biggest barrier to progress we have.

Our minds are conditioned, over our lifetimes, so as to ignore extremely plain clues that constantly hit us in the face and cause us pain. All of us. "This thing, product, system, relationship, idea, process, lifestyle, sandwich, drug doesn’t work for me but I still do it." Strangely masochistic as within these clues lie the solutions to our aims. I've spent my life asking questions about this phenomena and in the process boring myself senseless with the repetition of the answers.

Now though I have proven to myself that it is possible to alter the way people perceive, realise - and then think through the actual choices they have. We have evidence that a more reflective and structured approach to thinking delivers outcomes that are both natural, more valuable and carry less risk.

Some of this is just blindingly obvious, some is just simple and logical while other bits require time and effort. But it can all be inspirational. And so it works. We begin to change our frames.

Interestingly the tool that changes the way we think and work requires two discrete dimensions. Structure and Visualization.

The 'Structure' part comes in many forms but is basically a series of specific frameworks that are built around logical calculation and reason. Something to force our brains to re-imagine everything. The 'Visualisation' part is about utilising all our human senses and so leverage (rapidly) - more meaningful transmission and translation of all the relevant data. It is both powerful and creative.

Our human brains (along with models and other tools for calculation) then chips in a third dimension all of its own - we call this 'Thinking'. Enter - Structured Visual Thinking.

"There are only a few images that are not forced to provide meaning, or have to go through the filter of a specific idea." - Jean Baudrillard


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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