Thursday, 7 April 2011

Mind's On Fire - Part 1 (Extracts from a Discussion With Myself)


Although I'm very clear about a 'thing' - there is always the risk of not knowing where to start describing the thing. Anything. I'm talking to myself. Inside my head. Sometimes I'm not listening to myself. Am I making myself clear? No.

I will picture a 'thing' and it will be clear - and whole - and stunningly crafty. As I try to give it form though it will be stillborn, exceptionally dull and scare cats with its ugly and corrugated appearance.

I've realised that I'm very uncomfortable in that final half hour before the session days start. When I'm waiting for the team to turn up for the sessions. They arrive and are often nervous - and that transmits itself into the space. My space. It makes me uncomfortable. I can start to blather about rubbish at that point. A bit like at dinner parties. No agenda. Just small talk. 

I try to make sure I am still working at something so I can avoid this aimless chatter and start the sessions clean. I would just fidget and ruin it otherwise.

I'm now depressed with the lack of memory I have to focus. Do I need an upgrade? Am I on the latest version? I'm good at saying yes to the latest automatically available upload. Have I missed one? Crap.

I got there by train.

I wonder what the person opposite me is thinking. They are sitting transfixed, almost entranced - with a free newspaper in their hand, iPod in their ear, doing their nails, eating a burger - and texting something. We reach the platform. I get out. I move to another platform. More people flashing by, all looking at their iPhones, burgers or the floor. I dodge. I'm good at it. I'm a bullfighter.

I know that I am pushing this point a little too much. The audience agrees with the words. The data supports the claim. They got it so why are you banging on? They are nodding! Yes but I can see someone frowning. I can't carry on unless I know what's going on in her head!

I'm now on the Tube.

The stimulus of this scene always makes me enquire to myself - what are these people really like. I would be certain to like a bunch of them - and yet I never will. It would take an unfortunate and cataclysmic issue, a horrendous event or some chance 'happening' like a heart attack to make us make contact.

If only we could create a platform, a structure that everyone might collaborate around that asked for all to contribute to a simpler story. If we want to get there (Z) and we are here (A) then let's think about these 6 or so big factors. Then a more intelligent journey would be the outcome right? Why doesn't that make sense?

Bizarre to consider.

Considerably increasing that slim chance to meet these people would be the internet and the social nature of that platform and media. I may even know the people I'm looking at now (on-line) for all I know. How about that! I would know them because they share an interest, passion or idea that caused us to connect. In a thread or comment or by clicking 'Like', 'Follow' or 'Friend'. A sixth platform in one day.

London is great when the sun is shining and it's warm. It is also fabulous when there are big thunderstorms and the sky is black and I am in my apartment looking at the river becoming wild. It's especially nice when I get back into London from the wilds of 'Not London'. I'm so familiar with this platform.

That gives me ideas.

And the trouble with ideas are that we cannot quite explain them. We have them, rather like dreams - then they're gone. Or in the describing of them they take on other forms. So when we think them through we have to visualize them in writing and drawings. Or they are diminished.

I have to get everything clear and in shape before I tackle this next bigger challenge. I know I would rather be doing something differently but I have to do that. I'm hungry.

I love social media but am I social?

I draw strategies. These are a bunch of ideas being mashed together through my idea of a rigorous logical structure. I'm always astonished at how hard it is for people to think this logically. If you want to go from A to Z then you have to consider B,C,D etc.

But for some reason people don't immediately default to much that is logical or sequenced.

I shake my head and I'm back.


Posted via email from Just Thinking!

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